Expert Turns Sessions
This is a 6ft wave, with great power, critical sections and overall speed. A great wave for mastering advanced manoeuvrers, such as more vertical snap
£50 (child £40)
Very experienced surfers aged 6+ who can swim 25m unaided, are comfortable outside of their depth and have a good amount of surf experience.
At a glance
- Wave Height: 6-ft
- Age Range: Ages 6+
- Event Level: expert-turns
- session length: 1 hour
The expert turns wave
This is a high-energy, powerful 6-ft wave where you can really nail those advanced manoeuvres, like vertical snaps, big, sweeping cutbacks, exaggerated turns, and even start working on airs.
It's also super-fast-paced, which is great for building your speed.
Is this wave for me?
If you're comfortable surfing Advanced Plus and can pop up smoothly on a steep face, then it's probably time to take on Expert Turns.
If you have not surfed Advanced Plus before, we really recommend you try this one out first.
You must be comfortable in deep water for this wave, as it takes place closer to the back of our lake in The Reef section.
Session Goals
WHat you need to know
At a glance
- Event Level: expert-turns
- Location: The Reef
- Wave type: Expert
- Wave Height: 6-ft
- Age Range: Ages 6+
- session length: 1 hour
- Equipment: Bring your own or hire ours
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Surf Equipment