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Our Story

We have created a place where people can surf on consistent waves all year round.

But we aren’t just a leisure destination and The Wave isn’t just about surfing.

It’s about sharing incredible experiences with anyone who wants to enjoy them, in a naturally, healthy space. That includes people who may often feel excluded by disability, age, gender, background, income, fears or pressures to conform. The Wave is a place where no-one is judged (except on competition days!) and everyone is equal and free to be themselves.

Surfing is our reset button. Senses are re-awakened. Mind, body and spirit are recharged. We use surfing and the ‘blue’ environment to improve health and wellbeing, help people be the best version of themselves and, most importantly, have a shedload of fun in the process. 


There’s an old saying – “The best surfer in the water is the one having the most fun” This is how we roll.

We are a business with purpose at our core, underpinned by values including sustainability and accessibility. We believe our business can be force for good. In order to do this, we are careful with our decision-making, challenge our thinking and always consider the balance and trade-offs to be made. We make decisions based on the ‘triple bottom line’, considering the effect they have on our profit, the people around us and the planet we share. 

We built this place to share the power of ‘blue’ with as many people as possible and we know from the brilliant customer feedback that we are already making a difference to our visitors.

We want to do more. We want to support communities who wouldn’t otherwise be able to access the benefits of surfing with us, due to their economic circumstances, or because of physical or psychological barriers.

We help make it possible for these groups to visit by offering sessions at a reduced rate or at cost to us – and where this price is still too high we are working with like-minded partners, organisations and funders to run sessions at no cost to the surfer.

Take a look at our Impact Reports.

We are delivering our social impact programmes and activity under three ‘waves’

Waves of Change

The aim of Waves of Change is for surfing, and its blue health benefits, to become more accessible to all, regardless of their ethnic background or gender. Working with local charities and community groups we create opportunities for women and our local, BAME communities to come and have a go at surfing and experience its many health benefits.

Waves of Growth

Waves of Growth exists to provide continued support for the UK adaptive surfing community, working towards the ultimate goal of Paralympic inclusion for surfing. We will work with coastal surf schools, train surf coaches and increase the accessibility to surfing for the adaptive community, at The Wave or on the coast. We hosted the Surfing England Adaptive Open surf championship in July 2021, which was an incredible opportunity to showcase the sport and inspire a new generation of adaptive surfers.

Waves of Support

Waves of Support is about supporting some of the most vulnerable people and communities who have been particularly impacted by the Covid-19, through the provision of a blue health space and surf therapy activity. There is a specific focus on NHS and MOD medics who have been on the frontline dealing with the pandemic and many of whom are experiencing PTSD as a result. We are also continuing the work we started last year in partnership with the Wave Project to support young people suffering from anxiety and other mental health illnesses.

We are looking for more partners to join us in supporting our social impact programmes, opening up access to surfing and dramatically turning up the volume on what we can achieve in the immediate future and for the long term. If you are interested in finding out more, then email impact@thewave.com

The Wave