Find out about our Impact Programme

Our ring-fenced impact fund allows us to work with groups that fit with our Three Waves:
Waves of Growth – supporting and growing the UK’s para-surfing community
Waves of Change – working to build a more diverse surfing community – with particular focus on gender and ethnicity
Waves of Support – working with organisations using surfing and surf therapy to help those struggling with poor mental health
We are a Limited Company, rather than a charity or a not-for-profit organisation. This means you are not able to claim Gift Aid on any money you donate, but we guarantee that every penny goes towards our impact programme.

We love water, waves and the outdoors. They make us feel happy and we want to share this with more people, of all ages, backgrounds and abilities.
We built this place to bring the positive power of blue space to as many as possible.
We know that we are already having an impact on those who walk through our doors. But we want to do more.
We want to support communities who wouldn’t otherwise be able to access the benefits of water and waves with us, due to financial, physical, cultural or psychological barriers.
We help make it possible for these groups to visit by offering sessions at a reduced rate – and where this price is still too high we look for ways to run sessions at no cost to the surfer.
We do this with support from our partner organisations – and thanks to brilliant individuals like you.

A few impact highlights from 2023
Delivered 1,000 surfs via our Impact Programme
Supported 150 individual para surfers booking through our normal channels
Built and switched on the solar array – delivering sunshine powered waves!
Ran 4 x 6-week surf therapy courses with The Wave Project
Hosted 90 children from London and Bristol for free to surf and take part in workshops as part of World Ocean Day for Schools
Enabled a 5-week course with women form Bristol’s female Muslim community, in association with Open Minds Active and Active Being Connect
Set up a ‘Donate at the checkout’ option online and raised over £4000 to support the Impact Programme
Secured planning permission for lake lighting
Delivered 133,000 hours of surfing

Read our impact reports
For further information and case studies, check out our annual Impact Reports
To enquire about the impact programme contact